Over the years, we have created a team of professionals and exclusive sustainability consultants who guarantee all the necessary skills that make it simple to implement even projects that are often complicated.
Enviromental Sciences
We concentrate on research into and the design, development and subsequent assessment of systems for controlling, safeguarding and conserving the environment, operating in interdisciplinary fields (science, industry, economics, law and social sciences). We always find the right compromise to achieve our goals in an ethical and informed manner.
Social Sciences
Working closely with European social partners, our focus on the development of human societies, institutions, social relationships and the foundations of social life allow us to bring added value to companies, institutions and associations in maximising their goals, creating wellbeing and ethical profit. We believe that Social Responsibility should not be a constraint but an instrument to make us more efficient and competitive.
Life Cycle Assessment
Life Cycle Assessment or Analysis (LCA) is the basic method used in the study of the environmental impact of a product. SPIN 360 is able to study the environmental aspects and potential impacts during the entire life cycle of a product, from the purchase of the raw materials through production and use, right up until its final disposal.
Life Cycle Costing
Life Cycle Costing (LCC) is a method that allows us to evaluate the costs that arise during the entire life cycle of a product, from production to the final disposal phase. Always thinking about a product from an LCC perspective, SPIN 360 creates synergies and optimises processes in the medium-/long-term and increases brand awareness.
Research and development
For SPIN 360, the technological innovation is used not only in order to improve products, create new ones, or improve production processes, but it is also integrated into the social and environmental context in which companies operate so as to optimise business processes but also improve the relationship with the production chain, the surrounding area and the environment.
Chemical Management
For SPIN 360, this is a fundamental and delicate aspect: the chemical risk can harm those who are in direct contact with this risk but also the image of the company and its entire production chain. Working with a view to prevention by popularising the strategy that minimises related risks increases the social image of those carrying out these activities.
As our clients comprise many companies in the fashion and tanning industry, SPIN 360 also includes “animal welfare” in this category: Animal welfare is a state of complete animal health that is strongly influenced by environmental parameters that are closely dependent on humans. Having a precise knowledge of the history of the production chain increases awareness of the product and of the strengths/weaknesses of the production chain itself.
Risk Management
SPIN 360 does not see “risk” only as the process by which damage is measured or estimated and how strategies are developed to manage it; for us, anticipating a problem becomes a matter of vital importance for any people involved, for the environment and for any resulting damage to image (at all levels). Being ethical is profitable!
Supply Chain Management
In a technical sense, this is all the companies that contribute to the supply chain of a given product and also includes that series of checks on the origin and processing of a product that protects intermediate and final safety. In a practical sense, over the years, SPIN 360 has acquired skills that ensure it is a reliable, competent partner in managing production chains, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses as well as mapping and optimising them.
International standards for management systems
9001, 14001, 45001. In SPIN 360, we do not only strictly “apply” these standards. We are also able to work with them to implement new, rigorous improvement strategies. One of them is the simultaneous use of ISO 26000 and ISO 31000 for a European CSR project that has been mentioned by the European Commission (within the Staff Working Document SWD2017 147 final) as “Best Practices”.